Investigation of the Interaction of Teacher Candidates' Executive Function Skills with Discrete Emotions in Computer Simulation Environment (TUBITAK -1001)

Projects' Aim: In this study, it is aimed to examine the interaction between executive function skills and teacher emotions and emotion transitions in a teaching task prepared in a computer simulation environment. These interactions will be explored within the scope of "update, switching and inhibition" components of cognitive functions. In this study, two main research questions will be answered:;

  • Do the emotional states (category-experience period), patterns of temporal change of emotion and teaching performance differ according to individual differences within the scope of executive functions?
  • Do working memory, cognitive flexibility, and inhibition (inhibitory) control skills differ according to the emotions experienced during the delivery of the instruction?

Project Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Arif Altun (Hacettepe University, Dept. of Computer Education and Instructional Techologies,


  • Dr. Şeyma Çağlar Özhan (Hacettepe University, Dept. of Computer Education and Instructional Techologies)
  • Assoc Prof. Dr. Vildan Özeke (Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University, Dept. of Educational Sciences)
  • Dr. Adem Özgür (Uşak University, Dept. of Computer Education and Instructional Techologies)

Scholarship Students:

  • Lect. Perihan Tekeli
  • Sema Toker

There are five work packages within this project:

  1. Determining requirements and designing environments
  2. Within the scope of this work package;
    1. Conducting a literature review on teachers' executive function skills and emotions - Completed
    2. Examining the executive function task - Completed
    3. Determination of technical system requirements for design-development-implementation stages - Completed
    4. Designing the application environment and process - Completed

    An example task for teacher candidates in a simulation environment:

  3. Developing Simulation Based Teaching Tasks
  4. Within the scope of this work package;
    1. Preparing a list of case studies in the classroom simulator - Completed
    2. Establishing a rule set for the presentation and ordering of case studies - Completed
    3. Development of simulation-based teaching task - Completed
    4. Conducting usability tests of simulation-based teaching task - Completed

    Sample images from usability testing:

  5. Organizing Executive Function Skill Task
  6. Within the scope of this work package;
    1. A guide to the use and implementation of the executive function skill task - Completed
    2. Digital prototype of the updated executive function skill task - Completed
    3. Report showing functional analysis of the updated executive function skill task - Completed

    The Brain Workshop program used for the executive function skill task and the emotion visuals added:

  7. Implementation
  8. Continued...

  9. Analyse
  10. Continued...

Hacettepe University
06800 Beytepe Ankara